
IFS Printing and Bartender - Report Orientation change

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  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 42 replies

Hi everyone,

Very interesting issue I’m experiencing and I’m wanting to reach out to wider community to see if anyone has ever run into it?

For our label printing we use bartender  zebra printers. These are mapped in print agent config file as well as IFS of course. We have instances where users would print to them and they would come out in mixed orientation...once portrait and then landscape. 

I have an example just from this morning of a user using Register Purchase Order Arrivals to receive orders, he received 2 separate orders (Different PO no.) for the same part. One label printed in right orientation other switched and printed wrongly. When that occurs as you may imagine it cuts necessary information off the barcode label. Still I cannot seem to figure out what would cause this as user is following same process, print job goes to the same printer, same report layout is being used, even same part no in this example. 


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this! 

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