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Since yesterday evening we have the following error message in the IFS Print Agent (.Net): 
- Failed to Remove Printing Node: Not found
- Failed to register node: ....


Has somebody the same problem?


Hi @andjor,

Check the status of the IFSPRINT user to see if the account is LOCKED.

Dear @ashen_malaka_ranasinghe 

This was the first thing, that I checked. The account ini’t locked. The IFS Cloud Team did some changes on the server enviroment. We had to open an Support Case to solve it.

Best Regards,

Hi @andjor,

Thanks for getting back. Can you provide the support case number if possible?

Hi @ashen_malaka_ranasinghe 
We have to case CS0227592 for the our PROD-enviroment and CS0227837 for the TEST.
Best Regards,
