I’m trying to navigate from a counter lobby element to the list of tasks. My navigation URL is:
page/OverviewPagesNavigate/OverviewTasksPage?$filter=(((Objstate eq IfsApp.OverviewPagesNavigateHandling.CcCaseTaskState'New' or Objstate eq IfsApp.OverviewPagesNavigateHandling.CcCaseTaskState'Open' or Objstate eq IfsApp.OverviewPagesNavigateHandling.CcCaseTaskState'Completed')) AND TaskOwner eq $OWNER$)
It works until I try to add a parameter for the “ AND TaskOwner eq $OWNER$)”. The parenthesis’ all line up and it looks right given the documenation, but when the link is clicked, it complains of a malformed URI. If you just close the dialog, the query appears in the advanced search box, and it works. But something just isn’t right there.