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We are experiencing problem with batch queues taking much longer than they are configured to start background jobs posted.

E.g Fast Queue is configured to execute every second with 2 processes. However, I see the jobs are posted to the queue but takes 2-5 mins to start.

I have reinitialized the queue but still cannot see the difference. Same happens with other queues. What could be the problem and where should I be looking at?

There are no Executing jobs which the queue should be waiting for either.

DBMS Scheduler was crashed today and we had to restart database and enable scheduler.

I would guess that your JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES value in the database is too small for the total number of processes assigned all of your batch queues.

Each batch queue has a number of processes assigned to it in IFS.  When a job runs in those batch queues run they use one of those processes.  A queue with processes set to 1 is therefore going to run sequentially, which is what you typically want from most queues.

However, each process that is used by the batch queues comes from a pool assigned in Oracle, the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter.  This needs to be set to the total number of assigned processes across all batch queues (e.g. 10 batch queues with 1 process each = 10 total assigned) PLUS an amount for Oracle normal function.  I typically suggest 10 more than the total number of processes assigned to the queues (i.e. set JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES to 20 if my example of 10 total assigned to the batch queues).  There are other more exact calculations that you can use to get an exact number to add, but it is always a small number (generally less than 10) and adding 10 is a simple & safe way to go.

If the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter is set too low, IFS will not be able to get a process from Oracle to use for the job in the batch queue, resulting in what you’re seeing across queues.

