I’m trying to pass an aditional header key to a http call from IFS9.
If I use the below Routing Address, my additional header parameter will show in options in the response, but if I look at what headers IFS is actually sending it is not there.
I send the request to an http endpoint that i control and read the headers from there.
Here are the headers:
{"Accept":"text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, */*; q=.2","Connection":"close","Content-Length":"43","Content-Type":"text/xml; charset=UTF-8","Host":"***.pythonanywhere.com","User-Agent":"Java1.8.0_60","X-Forwarded-For":"***.***.***.***","X-Real-Ip":"***.***.***.***"}
I need to send an aditional key. Can anyone help explain how to do that?