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Good morning,

I’ll try to explain my problem best as I can :grinning: . I need to import my misc. parts data to a spectific project. My problem here is that I need for exemple my activity code and the person that seize has juste the activity ID. My question is: Can I put any kind of logic that allows me to fill out another cell based on the information seized?

Exemple: When I seized my project and my activity ID, the cell acitivity code will be fill out automaticly.

Let me know if you need more information



hi Gianni

are you describing the Copy/Paste Excel Spreadsheet, or the IFS Data Migration Excel Add-in?

Please upload a screenshot of what you have, and we’ll understand what you are trying to do

Hi @paul harland ,

I put an image in attachment. Red cycles are those that I need to fill out and green cycles are those I want to fill out automatically. 


I’m not sure about the origin of this field.  There is no standard field called “Activity Code” in this area.

Is it a mod, or a custom field?

I @paul harland,

I am using PROJECT_MISC_PROCUREMENT and ACTIVITY as source mapping and “activity code” is just a label to acitivity_no field on ACTIVITY view. So I want to type my activity_no and have my activity_seq filled automatically.



I don’t think there’s a great answer to this using Excel_Migration.

If you really wanted to pursue it using Excel Migration, I would suggest that you consider a VLOOKUP formula within the excel sheet.  You could maybe come up with a macro that would convert the Activity numbers (entered by user) into activity sequence IDs prior to loading it into IFS. 


If I had to do this, I would look into writing migration jobs using the MIGRATE_SOURCE_DATA procedure.  This way, you can use much more complex logic on the import.  For example you could put a nested (select...) statement into the Source column (see picture below)

I don’t think it’s possible to do this in the Excel Migration procedure.


Your solution to work with MIGRATE_SOURCE_DATA procedure seems nice, but I have 2 problems.

  1. My data come from an Excel file that normally is tapping manually by a user.
  2. I am new with IFS and I don’t know how execute migration jobs based on MIGRATE_SOURCE_DATA procedure.


hi Gianni,

There’s a lot to know about it - more than should be covered in detail here.  Please have a look at the F1 help regarding the migration tool.

However, short version:

You create 2 jobs.  The first is of type CREATE_TABLE_FROM_FILE, and converts an input csv into an oracle staging table.

The second job (type = MIGRATE_SOURCE_DATA) uses that staging table as a source, and populates data into IFS logical units using the business logic.  You can populate multiple LUs with this second job.
