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Is there any way to convert the IFS EE permissions into Aurena permissions (projections) or when transitioning to Aurena all permissions need to be created from scratch?


Similarly, can Aurena permissions be transitions to IFS Cloud or do we need to create permissions for the cloud version of IFS. 




Hi, This thread will be helpful. This has a comment about a tool to assist with moving IFS Application 10 IEE  permission sets to Aurena permissions as well. 


Hi @smelanson 

I recommend you to create the permission sets for IFS cloud separately. Because there are a lot of changes in IFS Cloud. Some screens from IFS APPS 10 don’t exist in IFS Cloud and vice versa. So you have to check the whole permission set again.

Furthermore IFS Cloud uses projections instead of LUs. 

Therfore you can’t import permission sets from IFS IEE to IFS Cloud. 

Thanks @Dilini Arandara 

Can you confirm if we create permissions (projections) in Aurena, can they be upgraded to IFS Cloud easily?  The question becomes, if we transition from IFS EE to Aurena gradually over time will we have to do extra work again to transition from Aurena to IFS Cloud?

Should our roadmap to IFS Cloud be to gradually transition to IFS Aurena, which will be a simple transition to Cloud; OR, if there is lots of work involved to go from Aurena to Cloud then we should just begin transitioning to IFS Cloud now.




To clarify.  Are Aurena projections/permissions the same as Cloud permissions?

Should our roadmap to IFS Cloud be to gradually transition to IFS Aurena, which, in turn, will be a simple transition to Cloud; OR, if there is lots of work involved to go from Aurena to Cloud then we should just begin transitioning to IFS Cloud now.




@smelanson can you share your experience in Apps 10 Aurena Permission set to IFS Cloud permission set transition, if you had to go through it. Thanks. Malik

@malik.sally we are in the very early stages of looking at how to transition from IEE to Aurena & Cloud so I don’t really have anything to share yet.   



Thanks @smelanson for the update. All the best for a successful migration to Cloud / Aurena.
