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IFS Document Bizapi / REST service

  • 28 June 2020
  • 1 reply

Does IFS 10 (Aurena) provide Out the box functionality to receive documents (.pdf) from an external source via web service? 

looking at the list of BizApi’s available i can not see any related to receiving inbound documents, if there is can anybody point me to the correct service / documentation.


Thank you.

We tried to do a similar thing about a year ago in Apps 10 for an integration with another system, and the response then was that no the API cannot receive documents via API.

Hopefully its changed since then as being able to receive docs via API would be great.

What we ended up having to do instead was:

  • IFS would communicate to the other system via API
  • To receive data back:
    • We set up an SFTP server
    • The other system packaged its data in a combo of CSV file (for the data) and associated PDF/other files, and transferred the package to our SFTP server.
    • Scheduled job transferred the package from SFTP server to the database server
    • Scheduled Migration Job in IFS reads in the CSV file and ingests the PDF/associated files

Our solution is less than ideal but until IFS can receive docs via API it was the most suitable option for us at the time.
