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Hi All,

Most of our customer environments following pods are in pending state or running state even the component is not active in solutionset.yaml

 # BUSMOD component is not active

 # MXCORE component is not active


 # PBIES component is not active

 # RMPANL component is not active


 # FNDREM component is not active

 # CRYSTL component is not active

I set replicas: 0 for each pod mentioned above in ifscloud-values.yaml if the component is not active in solutionset.yaml.

Is there any reason to be running above pods even the component is not active or is it safe to stop them by setting replicas to 0 in ifscloud-values.yaml?

Best Regards,

Hi @HashanD 

Are you sure you are using the correct names for the containers? There shouldn’t be any ‘-’ characters in the names. Please refer to the examples below:

  • ifsmaintenixappserver
  • ifsmaintenixreportserver
  • ifsappbusmod
  • ifsapppowerbisvc
  • ifsappreportingcr

Best regards,

In the installer console log it should state if the installer found the solutionset.yaml in the delivery.

C:\remote\ifsroot\deliveries\24.1.1_SU\ifsinstaller>installer --set action=mtinstaller

[Tue Jun 25 07:05:28 CEST 2024] - INFO: Remote deployment: Parameter logFileLocation added (C:\remote\ifsroot\logs\ifscloudinstaller)

[Tue Jun 25 07:05:28 CEST 2024] - INFO: Remote deployment: Configuration file found and is added (C:\remote\ifsroot\config\ifscloud-values.yaml)

[Tue Jun 25 07:05:28 CEST 2024] - INFO: Remote deployment: Solution set file found and is added (C:\remote\ifsroot\deliveries\24.1.1_SU\ifsinstaller\solutionset.yaml)

For the installer to find the solutionset.yaml it can passed in two ways.(if this is a remote deployment model).
#1 in the ifsinstaller folder
#2  point to a custom location by specifying the solutionset.yaml as input values to the installer. 
       >installer --set action=mtinstaller --values c:\x\y\z\solutionset.yaml

Hi @HashanD 

Are you sure you are using the correct names for the containers? There shouldn’t be any ‘-’ characters in the names. Please refer to the examples below:

  • ifsmaintenixappserver
  • ifsmaintenixreportserver
  • ifsappbusmod
  • ifsapppowerbisvc
  • ifsappreportingcr

Best regards,

Hi Trewon,

Thank you for the update.

I wanted to let you know that I've updated the ifscloud-values.yaml file with the correct names to prevent pods from inactive components from being created.

To make things clearer, I used the container names that appear when you run the command kubectl get pods -n <namespace>. This should help identify which container I'm referring to.

My question is not about naming of the containers, I'm curious why the containers mentioned above are starting up even though their components are not active in the solutionset.yaml file.why above mentioned containers comming up even its component is not active in solutionset.yaml.

In the installer console log it should state if the installer found the solutionset.yaml in the delivery.

C:\remote\ifsroot\deliveries\24.1.1_SU\ifsinstaller>installer --set action=mtinstaller [Tue Jun 25 07:05:28 CEST 2024] - INFO: Remote deployment: Parameter logFileLocation added (C:\remote\ifsroot\logs\ifscloudinstaller) [Tue Jun 25 07:05:28 CEST 2024] - INFO: Remote deployment: Configuration file found and is added (C:\remote\ifsroot\config\ifscloud-values.yaml) [Tue Jun 25 07:05:28 CEST 2024] - INFO: Remote deployment: Solution set file found and is added (C:\remote\ifsroot\deliveries\24.1.1_SU\ifsinstaller\solutionset.yaml)

For the installer to find the solutionset.yaml it can passed in two ways.(if this is a remote deployment model).
#1 in the ifsinstaller folder
#2  point to a custom location by specifying the solutionset.yaml as input values to the installer. 
       >installer --set action=mtinstaller --values c:\x\y\z\solutionset.yaml

Hi Henrik

Thank you for the update.

I call the installer from the installer folder, hence I do not pass soultionset.yaml as a input value to the installer.

Thank you,

There should be  a solutionset.yaml in ifsinstaller folder in each delivery the comes from buildplace.
Another requirement for that autodetect to work is that the delivery is run from the ifsroot folder structure.
“Note that the installer will find ifscloud-values.yaml and the solutionset.yaml if named and placed correctly in the remote folder structure. ..\..\..\ifscloud-values.yaml and .\solutionset.yaml relativ from the installer.”

Note that i think BuildPlace adds a “InstallationFiles” in the zip file which needs to be removed before extracting the delivery into the delivery folder in the ifsroot folder.

There should be  a solutionset.yaml in ifsinstaller folder in each delivery the comes from buildplace.
Another requirement for that autodetect to work is that the delivery is run from the ifsroot folder structure.
“Note that the installer will find ifscloud-values.yaml and the solutionset.yaml if named and placed correctly in the remote folder structure. ..\..\..\ifscloud-values.yaml and .\solutionset.yaml relativ from the installer.”

Note that i think BuildPlace adds a “InstallationFiles” in the zip file which needs to be removed before extracting the delivery into the delivery folder in the ifsroot folder.

Hi Henrik,

Yes, everything is in order as needed in our enviornments.

Best Regards,

There should be  a solutionset.yaml in ifsinstaller folder in each delivery the comes from buildplace.
Another requirement for that autodetect to work is that the delivery is run from the ifsroot folder structure.
“Note that the installer will find ifscloud-values.yaml and the solutionset.yaml if named and placed correctly in the remote folder structure. ..\..\..\ifscloud-values.yaml and .\solutionset.yaml relativ from the installer.”

Note that i think BuildPlace adds a “InstallationFiles” in the zip file which needs to be removed before extracting the delivery into the delivery folder in the ifsroot folder.

Hi Henrik,

Initially, I did not pass the solution set.yaml as a parameter for the installer because I assumed it would auto-detect when I started the delivery installation from the ifsinstaller folder. We have saved deliveries outside of ifsroot folder and as you mentioned it is the reason why its not picking up the solutionset.yaml.

However, once I provided the solutionset.yaml for the installer, it worked perfectly.

Thank you for your support.
