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  • We have one page with Order No as a VARCHAR2 value and another page with Order No as a NUMBER. Is there a way to cast NUMBER to VARCHAR2 when navigating from one page to the other (using a command)?
  • We can navigate to the Inventory Transaction History window from the Shop Order History window's Material Transaction Tab. Is there a way to create a new command to navigate from the Inventory Transaction History window to the Shop Order History window, showing only the material transactions related to the inventory transaction ID?

After navigating to Shop Order History window from Inventory Transaction History window and show only the material transaction related to the inventory transaction Id as below.

Many thanks for your inputs on this issue.

Best regards,


@EntUviniG here’s something you can try on the second question, and it should help with your first question too.

Add a new Navigation Link command from Inventory Transaction History to Shop Order History and map OrderNo to TransactionId. Before you save it though, add single quotes around $dTransactionId] on NavigateFilter so that it looks like the following. This seems to take care of casting the TransactionId parameter from number to string as well, so this approach should address your first question too.


Give it a try and let us know how it goes!

Best regards,

