
IFS Cloud - Developer Studio - Transformer ini file BUG

  • 25 April 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

In final step in development of Transformer is generated *.ins file with insert.

This script using Obsolete table and produce error on deploy.



New table should be connect_transformer_tab (founded in 2110.upg)



Documentation shows that result is *.xml, that’s wrong, because from APP10 is result *.ins file.

Detailed Workflow for XSL Transformer Development - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud



Maybe I have old DS, but update check is failing… And if I know everyone who tried to install DS later then me got fatal errors during installation.



Because I need to continue development - will be Ins_Util_API used or it is Obsolete too?
because it is not used anymore:


2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

I forgot mention App version:


Also import of generated *.xml does not work:


And new table connect_transformer_tab is not used in any *.ins file



Generated vs Exported Transformer config .xml


Userlevel 6
Badge +12


is mentioned, only XML is allowed in Cloud.


So problem is DS generate unwanted INS, and XML with WRONG APP10 content.
