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Has anyone come across code generation error when trying to customise this projection?

IFS Development Studio shows below error

PL/SQL Package Body SERVICE_CONTRACT_HANDLING_SVC Created Successfully
!!!Package Body SERVICE_CONTRACT_HANDLING_SVC Created With Compilation Errors
PLS-00302: component 'QUOTATION_NEEDED_DB' must be declared error at line no :30115
PLS-00302: component 'QUOTATION_NEEDED_DB' must be declared error at line no :30129

We have empty ServiceContractHandling-Cust.projection file and only core code is generated.


The issue seems to be with Fragment SRVCON/RenewRequestContractAssistant which has below pl/sql code

   -- quotation creation
   $IF Component_Reqquo_SYS.INSTALLED $THEN
      IF(rec_.quotation_needed_db) THEN
         Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('QUOTATION_NEEDED_DB', 'TRUE', attr_);
         Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('QUOTATION_NO', rec_.quotation_no, attr_);
         Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('QUOTATION_DESC', rec_.quotation_desc,attr_);
         Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('PRICE_EFFECTIVE_DATE', rec_.price_effective_date, attr_);
         Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('QUOTATION_EXP_DATE', rec_.quotation_exp_date, attr_);
      END IF;
   IF (attr_ IS NOT NULL) THEN
   END IF;
   req_con_rec_.new_contract_id := Client_SYS.Get_Item_Value('CONTRACT_ID', attr_);
   req_con_rec_.new_contract_name := Client_SYS.Get_Item_Value('CONTRACT_NAME', attr_);
   $IF Component_Reqquo_SYS.INSTALLED $THEN
      IF(rec_.quotation_needed_db) THEN
         req_con_rec_.new_quot_details := Request_Quotation_API.Get_Quo_Details_By_Contract(Client_SYS.Get_Item_Value('CONTRACT_ID', attr_));
      END IF;


Our code code download from the build place does not have REQQUO component which is being used with the virtual in the above fragment.


virtual RenewReqContractVirtual {

   -- quotation
   @DynamicComponentDependency REQQUO
   attribute QuotationNeededDb Boolean("TRUE", "FALSE");
   @DynamicComponentDependency REQQUO
   attribute QuotationNo Text {
      maxlength = 12;
      format = uppercase;
   @DynamicComponentDependency REQQUO
   attribute QuotationDesc Text {
      label = "Quotation Description";
      required = atrue];
      maxlength = 200;
   @DynamicComponentDependency REQQUO
   attribute PriceEffectiveDate Date {
      default = "SYSDATE";
      editable = efalse];
   @DynamicComponentDependency REQQUO
   attribute QuotationExpDate Date;
   @DynamicComponentDependency REQQUO
   attribute NewQuotDetails Text;
   action Finish Structure(RequestContrDetailsStruct);

We are trying to understand if anyone else is having the same issue.


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