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Is there a facility in IFS Aurena to send a direct message to a user? It should then be visible in NotifyMe (and the user should be alerted by a ping). I remember using it before but I can’t find it now.


There is a notification bell icon on most IFS Cloud / Aurena pages. We can use it to set up Tasks to directly ping another User. The assigned user (the Assignee) will be able to check the task through his Notifications.


Also both users can see the task progress in their respective My Tasks page.


Best Regards,

We are in IFS10 U19 and working on transitioning to Aurena. I am able to do the steps for creating a task and sending the task as mentioned above. I tired sending the task to myself, nothing shows up My tasks or sent tasks. I then sent a task to a co-worker, and I am unable to see that task in my sent tasks.

Should this functionality be working in the update we have? 

Did the functionality of tasks change as well? In IEE when there is a task sent to you, you are able to click on it and take you to the page, for example, if it was sent from a specific purchase order when you click on it the hyperlink, you would be taken to the purchase order screen for that order. 


Also, is the functionality supposed to be there to send tasks between IEE client and the Aurena client. This seems to not be working either. 
