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We’ve worked through a few of the solutions already proposed in the community and we’re still getting null values for our PDF_PARAMETERS in the Customer Statement of Account report.  I’ve tried adding suggested code to RDF files in the build folder, but with no change.  Is there a specific procedure within the CustStmtAcct.rdf that the Pdf_Report_Event_Param_API.New_Parameter is supposed to be executed in in order to populate the PDF_PARAMETER_1 with the Customer’s AR Contact information?  I was unable to see where that data is input within other reports/rdf files that successfully utilize the PDF_PARAMETER data within their respective email on PDF Print Event Actions.

How are you triggering the email?  Is it a routing rule or an event?  Please send details on how you are triggering the email.  I would use the IFS delivered event, PDF_REPORT_CREATED and filter the action on the column REPORT_TITLE.

This is the event action.  We are filtering on the REPORT_TITLE and we’re using PDF_REPORT_CREATED event.  It will send the email when it’s a static email address.

The problem that we’re running into is that the PDF_PARAMETERS_<1-10> aren’t populating with data from the report, as shown in the screen shot below of the body of the resulting email.  This is preventing us from emailing account statements to a given customer’s AR contact upon printing said statement.



In the Customer screen, we have this test customer’s AR Customer Contact info filled out as suggested in numerous other posts, as well.



Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

I believe the contact data you need to fill in is that on the Comm Method tab.  You need to have a Communication method of E-Mail and I believe “Default per Method” and “Default per Method and Address” checked in addition to the value being the email address you want to send to.  The address id needs to be the address that includes the Address Type of “Pay” or “Document”.  Our addresses always have “Pay” and “Document” in the same address, that is why I don’t know that one for sure.

We had the “AR statement test” contact in the Comm. Method tab and with the “Default Per Method” flag selected, but just to be safe, I selected the “Default Per Method and Address”.   I also updated the address ID.  Still nothing is populating in the PDF_PARAMETER_1 for in the event action.

