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Has anyone experienced an issue where a user adds a shortcut to their navigator, save their profile and then upon their next login it disappears? I also have had users report that they’ll add a column to a table view of a screen, save their profile and that also disappears upon their next login. 

We have seen this in Apps10 and also Apps9. 

It tends to occur when a user doesn’t have a personal profile enabled (so user changes are not/cannot be saved into a profile), if the user forcibly disconnects from IFS (e.g. by crashing their PC or their session being disconnected) thereby not saving the changes in that session, or sometimes the profile has become corrupted and needs to be ‘fixed’

If the profile is corrupted then an administrator can start by clearing out related areas of the profile in the personal profile detail screen.  For example if it is not storing layout changes on Customer Order screen then you could clear out the frmCustomerOrder branch of the profile under User/Windows/Features.  If that doesn't work then it may require that their full profile needs to be cleared out.  Either way, I would always recommend saving the profile to a file as a backup before making any changes just in case.


All of ours users have personal profiles enabled, so I know it’s not that. 

It could be corrupt profiles, I can try what you’ve suggested by clearing their layout for that screen back to their base profile and see if that works. We try to avoid resetting their profiles if at all possible, we just weren’t sure if anyone else was seeing this issue if it was unique to us. 

No, unfortunately it is not unique to you

@SaraCrank in addition to other replies, this can happen when user profiles are too big. Always try to maintain small personal profiles. You can always go to profile view and delete unwanted entries. For example, if you don’t want saved searches in old windows you can delete them from the profile. 


When user do some changes (adding new nav items or changing columns in a window) and exit the application, the changes will be written automatically to the profile. If something happens at this step (network failure, etc.) the profile will not be updated properly. 


Before user exists the system user can force application to write current changes in the profile. This will make sure all the changes are written back to the profile properly even before he logs out. This is not expected to do always. But if one user faces this issue frequently and if you cannot reset their profile it would be a good idea to do the following after a significant profile setting change in the application. 


  1. Go to Tools → Options


  1. Choose “Save Profile” from the “User Profile” tab



@SaraCrank were you able to resolve?


No, our users are very resistant to their profiles being wiped, even just a specific screen. I have used the only deleting a piece of a personal profile to resolve some other issues though. 

Thanks Everyone!

No, our users are very resistant to their profiles being wiped, even just a specific screen. I have used the only deleting a piece of a personal profile to resolve some other issues though. 

Thanks Everyone!

Remove the column customizations from the base profile, or make the changes manually to the personal profiles in question.

There’s a bug where if you change the column setup (order, visibility, etc.) in a base profile, then no matter what you do personally, it will be overridden by the values in the base profile the next time you launch that window.

But! If you do this manually in the personal profile editor (the one with the cryptic values), then it will work.

I am having this issue in Apps 10 EE; columns missing etc. when the user logs back in to IFS. Would performing a manual save of the User profile before every log out fix it?

I might be able to automate that if it is the solution.
