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We still have an instance of IFS 7.5 SP6 where I have one user who is experiencing extreme slowness with IEE in the production instance. It can take 30-60 seconds to merely open a screen or to open a query after the screen opens. He does not have the problem in the test environments. No other users are experiencing any slowness in the production instance. It seems to be limited to just the one user.

I have had him clear the IFS cache on his desktop (c:\Users\id\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0), but after the individual modules load, they continue to run very slow. It is not limited to a particular module either.


I am looking for suggestions on what to look for, or how this could be fixed. Has anyone else experienced this issue?  Even in later versions of IFS using IEE.



Is pres objects/ DB objects access level same for this user in both TEST and PROD environments?

Hi Ruchira,

This user with the problem has the same access in PROD as another user.  The other user is not having any performance issues. 

Originally my user was not having issues, but after awhile he began to experience the slowness. That is what prompted us to clear the IFS cache, but as I indicated, this did not help.