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Hi All,

Does anyone have an idea on how the value for keyref is generated?

Shipment ID is the parent key of the entity ‘SupplierShipmentLine’, so I expected it to be shown first, but this is not the case. (LINE_NO=1^SHIPMENT_ID=10^)

I checked the relevant projection and the keys are defined in correct order as well -

Dananjaya Misso.

The Key Ref is always constructed in alphabetical order, why do you need it sorted in a given way?

Hi Chanaka,

Thanks for the answer.
This is needed because customer would like to see Shipment ID first in this view -

At the moment what I noticed was that the value for column Object Key is generated from the Key Ref and because the Key Ref is having Line No first as LINE_NO=1^SHIPMENT_ID=10^  it is displayed in this way.

/Dananjaya Misso.

This might be an edge case so it might need be a handled as customization request.

The FW cannot change the Key Ref ordering as this will cause implication elsewhere. What could be done is to customize this particular page so that for Supplier Shipment line LU there is a special handling to reformat the key ref display value. I would not suggest changing the stored KeyRef value, only change before it’s displayed on the page maybe as a new column.

Hi @chanaka-shanil 

Noted, thank you for the response.

Dananjaya Misso.
