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Hi All,

I have setup the SFTP connection using IFS Connect to receive data to IFS10 system. I created a SFTP Reader and Inbound Routing Rule only. I would like to know how I can test this connection to receive data to IFS and after that how I can get data using this connection when I needed? Do I need to schedule a job to get data using this SFTP connection or is there any steps I can follow to get data using this connection?



Thank you,


Hi Sachini,

Please ensure that you have defined the destination address correctly in your routing rule. In the sample inbound message below, I have used a PLSQL type destination address. Try this as well. RMB on the chain link → Test Content Condition.

Img1: routing rule

To create a destination address, you must first create a routing address. For further clarification, please refer to the following documentation.

F1 doc: Understanding Inbound Routing



Kavindu Gunathilake


  I am going to get bank statements which will be none xml using SFTP connection. What Is the destination address I should use for getting bank statements? Is it PL/SQL or BIZAPI or any other Transport connector? What are the difference between PL/SQL or BIZAPI destination and when do we use them?

