
How to set DOCMAN integration on (Notify Me)Configured Notifications?

  • 22 February 2023
  • 11 replies

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  • 275 replies

I am developing a configured notification on Notify Me app. I can’t see documents on the app. I check the steps which are below.

  • The order of the SQL statements in ChildDocument is correct.
  • The KEY_REF and LU_NAME parameters in ChildDocument are correct.
  • I added the row of documents to the HTML Detail Template 

I couldn’t find the problem. There is no error on debug info. Can you help me?

When I write the key_ref value, I can see the document on PL/SQL Developer.


HTML List Template

<ifs-label label-text="Satınalma Talep Satır Onayı: " label-data="ND.IFS_ID" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-status-icon icon-status-id="0" class=""></ifs-status-icon>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.PERSON_1" class="col-xs-6"></ifs-data>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.SATIR_STATU" class="col-xs-4"></ifs-data>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="'Site: ' + ND.SITE + '-' + ND.SITE_TANIM" class="col-xs-6"></ifs-data>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.ifsDate(ND.TALEP_TARIHI,'date')" class="col-xs-4"></ifs-data>

HTML Detail Template

<ifs-header header-text="Satınalma Talebi Satır Onayı: " header-data-field="ND.IFS_ID" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-header>
<ifs-label label-text="Talep Eden" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-contacts ifs-mail-to-subject="ND.Type + ': ' + ND.IFS_ID" ifs-contact-data="ND.Contacts" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-contacts>
<ifs-label label-text="Talep Tarihi" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.ifsDate(ND.TALEP_TARIHI,'date')" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-label label-text="Site" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.SITE + ' - ' + ND.SITE_TANIM" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-label label-text="Statü" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.SATIR_STATU" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-label label-text="Parça" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.PART_NO + ' - ' + ND.PART_DESC" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-label label-text="Miktar" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.QTY+ ' - ' + ND.BIRIM" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-label label-text="Birim Fiyat" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.BIRIM_FIYAT+ ' - ' + ND.DOVIZ" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-label label-text="Birim Fiyat Baz" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.BIRIM_FIYAT_BAZ+ ' - TRY'" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-label label-text="Tutar" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.SATIR_TUTAR + ' - TRY'" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-label label-text="Tedarikçi" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.VENDOR_NO+ ' - ' + ND.TEDARIKCI" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-label label-text="İstenilen Teslim Tarihi" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.ifsDate(ND.TESLIM_TAR,'date')" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-label label-text="Notlar" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-label>
<ifs-data ifs-data-field="ND.NOTE_TEXT" class="col-xs-12"></ifs-data>
<ifs-documents ifs-document-data="ND.DOCUMENTS" class="col-xs-12" />

Parent SQL Statement

SELECT requisition_no || ' - ' || line_no || ' - ' || release_no AS ifs_id,
company AS company,
line_no AS line_no,
release_no AS release_no,
sequence_no AS sequence_no,
&AO.purchase_req_line_api.get_state(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) AS satir_statu,
&AO.purchase_req_line_part_api.get_part_no(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) AS part_no,
&AO.purchase_req_line_part_api.get_description(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) AS part_desc,
&AO.purchase_req_line_part_api.get_original_qty(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) AS qty,
&AO.purchase_req_line_part_api.get_buy_unit_meas(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) AS birim,
&AO.purchase_req_line_part_api.get_fbuy_unit_price(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) AS birim_fiyat,
&AO.purchase_req_line_part_api.get_currency_code(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) AS doviz,
&AO.purchase_req_line_part_api.get_buy_unit_price(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) AS birim_fiyat_baz,
&AO.purchase_req_util_api.get_total_base(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) AS satir_tutar,
vendor_no AS vendor_no,
&AO.supplier_api.get_vendor_name(vendor_no) tedarikci,
&AO.purchase_req_line_part_api.get_wanted_receipt_date(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) AS teslim_tar,
&AO.purchase_requisitioner_api.get_requisitioner(&AO.purchase_requisition_api.get_requisitioner_code(requisition_no)) AS person_1,
&AO.comm_method_api.get_default_value('PERSON', &AO.purchase_requisition_api.get_requisitioner_code(requisition_no), 'E_MAIL') AS person_1_email,
&AO.comm_method_api.get_default_value('PERSON', &AO.purchase_requisition_api.get_requisitioner_code(requisition_no), 'PHONE') AS person_1_phone,
&AO.purchase_requisition_api.get_contract(requisition_no) AS site,
&AO.site_api.get_description(&AO.purchase_requisition_api.get_contract(requisition_no)) AS site_tanim,
&AO.purchase_requisition_api.get_objstate(requisition_no) AS statu,
&AO.purchase_requisition_api.get_requisition_date(requisition_no) AS talep_tarihi,
&AO.PURCHASE_REQ_LINE_api.Get_Note_Text(requisition_no, line_no, release_no) note_text
FROM &AO.purch_req_line_approval
WHERE date_approved IS NULL
AND target_date IS NOT NULL
AND authorize_id = &AO.person_info_api.get_id_for_user(&AO.fnd_session_api.get_fnd_user)
ORDER BY company,

ChildDocument SQL Statement

SELECT ifsapp.Edm_File_API.Get_Edm_Repository_Info(refobj.doc_class, refobj.doc_no, refobj.doc_sheet, refobj.doc_rev, 'ORIGINAL') AS doc_info,
ifsapp.Doc_Title_Api.Get_Title(refobj.doc_class,refobj.doc_no) AS title
FROM ifsapp.Doc_Reference_Object refobj
WHERE ifsapp.Edm_File_API.Check_Exist(refobj.doc_class, refobj.doc_no, refobj.doc_sheet, refobj.doc_rev, 'ORIGINAL') = 'TRUE'
AND ifsapp.Doc_Issue_API.Get_View_Access_(refobj.doc_class, refobj.doc_no, refobj.doc_sheet, refobj.doc_rev) = 'TRUE'
AND refobj.lu_name = 'PurchaseReqLinePart'
AND refobj.key_ref = 'LINE_NO=' || :LINE_NO || '^RELEASE_NO=' || :RELEASE_NO || '^REQUISITION_NO=' || :REQUISITION_NO ||'^'


The Notify Me App (Document is not shown in the detail of the configured notification.)




11 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@rukflk Thank you. The KEY_REF pattern is correct. I tried hardcoded. It was returning documents on PL/SQL. However, it didn’t show anything on the app. I think there is a problem with document configuration or maybe background jobs or something else. It can relate to anything. Because the Docman integration structure is very easy. And easy to implement. I just created a ticket on IFS Turkey’s portal. I hope they can solve :)


One thing more. On Try Me data, there are documents and I can see them. But, the hardcoded notification which is Purchase Requisition not show documents in the production environment.

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

@hhy38 Mobile Document class doesn’t make a difference for Notify Me and I don’t believe it impacts any of the DOCMAN API’s used by Notify Me either. Just a couple of more things to double check, but if these don’t give you a way forward, best to report a support ticket. I believe you’ve gone through this many times already, but let me ask the obvious questions to be doubly sure :)

  1. you said that when you run the document query with for example LINE_NO=1^RELEASE_NO=1^REQUISITION_NO=501023^ on PL\SQL Developer,  you get results. Does this tally with the main query, where you get a row with LINE_NO=1, RELEASE_NO=1 and REQUISITION_NO=501023? If not, you need to go back and figure out the correct KEY_REF for each notification and then generate that.
  2. Take a hardcoded KEY_REF that gives you results on PL\SQL Developer and use that as the Document query. Does that show you a result on the app? If not, you probably have a problem with the template (even though it looks correct).

If these two don’t give you an obvious way forward, please report a support ticket as we’d have to investigate it deeper.



Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Additional info, I set the document class as Mobile Document class.


Userlevel 5
Badge +12

@hhy38 I can’t really think of anything else right now, so let’s do as James suggested and raise a support ticket for this so we can take a closer look :)

Userlevel 5
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@rukflk Do you have any other suggestions? 

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@rukflk. Thank you. I tried that before. It did not work. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

@hhy38 before you raise a support case, there’s one quick thing worth trying - change your document reference to “ND.Documents” (it seems to be “ND.DOCUMENTS” right now and I believe this is case sensitive). 

like this:


  <ifs-documents ifs-document-data="ND.Documents" class="col-xs-12" />


Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Okay. Suggest you raise a support case then so it can be investigated why this isn’t working for you



Userlevel 5
Badge +14

I have read this document. The steps are the same. The bad thing is there is no error in debug info. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Have you read through Create Configured Notification ( ? This documents the process and shows an example of adding a Document to a custom notification



Userlevel 5
Badge +14

I changed “ifsapp” as “&AO” on ChildDocument SQL statement. App still not shown the document.


SELECT &AO.Edm_File_API.Get_Edm_Repository_Info(refobj.doc_class, refobj.doc_no, refobj.doc_sheet, refobj.doc_rev, 'ORIGINAL') AS doc_info,
&AO.Doc_Title_Api.Get_Title(refobj.doc_class,refobj.doc_no) AS title
FROM &AO.Doc_Reference_Object refobj
WHERE &AO.Edm_File_API.Check_Exist(refobj.doc_class, refobj.doc_no, refobj.doc_sheet, refobj.doc_rev, 'ORIGINAL') = 'TRUE'
AND &AO.Doc_Issue_API.Get_View_Access_(refobj.doc_class, refobj.doc_no, refobj.doc_sheet, refobj.doc_rev) = 'TRUE'
AND refobj.lu_name = 'PurchaseReqLinePart'
AND refobj.key_ref = 'LINE_NO=' || :LINE_NO || '^RELEASE_NO=' || :RELEASE_NO || '^REQUISITION_NO=' || :REQUISITION_NO ||'^'

