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Do you think the following approach will be effective in replacing EDI messages from IFS8 in IFS Cloud?

For outbound EDI messages from IFS8, convert JSON to XML using a transformer (perhaps the standard one IFS_JSON_TO_XML_GENERIC?) and apply customized transformers to map fields from EDI messages to IFS Cloud projection fields.

The same logic for inbound, but in a different direction and with the assumption that BizAPIs that were used are no longer available in the Cloud.

If yes then mappings between EDI and Cloud projection for different types of messages are required, do you have something like that?

Or perhaps you have any other ideas to fulfill the requirements?

Best regards


Hi @bartlomiej.pobocha 


We have successfully implemented ORDERS (inbound/outbound) and DESADV (inbound) and the steps taken were similar to what you’ve described, so your approach is correct :)

One thing to note that is we developed own java transformers instead of using standard IFS transformers since we found problems with the mappings and it was easier to do our own.


Hope it helps!


Do you think the following approach will be effective in replacing EDI messages from IFS8 in IFS Cloud?

For outbound EDI messages from IFS8, convert JSON to XML using a transformer (perhaps the standard one IFS_JSON_TO_XML_GENERIC?) and apply customized transformers to map fields from EDI messages to IFS Cloud projection fields.

The same logic for inbound, but in a different direction and with the assumption that BizAPIs that were used are no longer available in the Cloud.

If yes then mappings between EDI and Cloud projection for different types of messages are required, do you have something like that?

Or perhaps you have any other ideas to fulfill the requirements?

Best regards


I’m working with IFS Cloud upgrade project where IFS apps 10 where DESADV (outbound) messages should be generated from IFS Cloud with same EDI XML schema as IFS apps 10 generated the DESADV messages.

I’ve tried to apply IFS_JSON_TO_XML_GENERIC to the routing address that handle the outbound EDI messages. However the outcome from IFS Cloud is not the same as the EDI messages from IFS Apps 10. Hence the IFS_JSON_TO_XML_GENERIC transformer is not suitable.

With IFS Cloud BizApis are not supported anymore. Is there any solution for this or is it required that all IFS Cloud customers will need to develop custom transformers to be able to generate EDI messages as it was done in IFS Apps 10?
