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We’re trying to use an Event Action to POST a message to azure service bus. We are trying to use the Azure Shared Key and  using the Azure Service Bus Primary Key value in the Event Action key field. Is there a special format for the key to get this to work?


Rest End Point POST:

Authentication: Azure Shared Key


Application Message Response:
ExecutionException from Sender thread 
Caused by: ifs.fnd.connect.senders.ConnectSender$TemporaryFailureException: Exception while sending data 
Caused by: ifs.fnd.connect.http.HTTPClient$UnauthorizedAccessException: POST error #401: Unauthorized access


It seems like the Azure shared key can be used for accessing only the Azure blob storage endpoint.

Since Azure Service Bus SAS generation is a different than shared key for Az blob storage, I don’t think you can use this method for accessing service bus .

Configure the REST Transport Connector - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud


Instead, try to setup an app registration and use the OAurh2 credentials to access the endpoint

Hope following documentation would help you to set this up.




Maybe you cannot do it this way, but what what worked for me, was creating a SharedAccessSignatur using the SB Key and then using IFs Connect.
In Ifs Connect for the Routing Address then add the SAS as additional Header (Authorization=SharedAccessSignature sr=.....)
The post itself we did using  plsql_rest_sender_API.Call_Rest_EndPoint2



using @dsg Damith’s advice, I was able to get this to work using an Azure Registered Application client secret, granting the Registered Application access to the Azure Service Bus and then using OAuth2 (Client Credentials).

I will explore using a routing address as we will be configuring a bunch of event actions and it would be nice to not have to maintain the client secret on every endpoint. It would also be nice to more easily rectify event cross contamination after cloning from Prod to other environments.
