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We have a reqeust to make below screen record entry mandatory. is there a way to do that?


Hi Ron.

What are you specific requirements?  Do you want to have “Message Defaults” entries created automatically when a Supplier is added?


Well, assuming you are working in Apps 10, you could implement an Event + Action which will create the “Message Defaults” when the Supplier is created.


Is this valid? If it is not, please expand on the actual requirement and we will try to help.


Best regards.



@Gonzalo Thank you for your reply.

We are in APP10.

We would like system can have below error message if no Invoice/Message Defaults tab record is created.


Hi Ron.


OK, my question is when do you want that error to appear? As far as I understand you want that there is information under “Message Defaults” when a new Supplier is saved… but you need to give the user the chance to create a new record under “Message Defaults” tab.


So it’s difficult for me to understand when you want that error to show up. Please expand a bit more on the requirement and we will try to help.


Best regards.

@Gonzalo Thank you for your reply.


the ultimate goal is to let user enter the info in Invoice/Message Defaults tab, as it cause our ABBYY transfer failure. 

so if the system could the entry open(see the pink area on the screenshot) when the supplier is created, then if user missed the step to create the entry in Invoice/Default Messages tab, then prompt the error to the user as a reminder.


Thank you.

Hi Ron.


Let me reply over your comments:


“the ultimate goal is to let user enter the info in Invoice/Message Defaults tab, as it cause our ABBYY transfer failure”


Yes, the user will be able to add the information. It is responsibility of the user to complete different information areas in Supplier. After the header is created, the user will go over the different sections creating the necessary data. You cannot raise any error after the user has created the Supplier that is a mandatory step before creating other pieces of information connected to it.


 “so if the system could the entry open(see the pink area on the screenshot) when the supplier is created, then if user missed the step to create the entry in Invoice/Default Messages tab, then prompt the error to the user as a reminder”


I don’t understand well your sentence above. The user can create a Supplier but how to do know that the user forgot to complete the “Message Defaults” information. How do you time it? To me it makes no sense. It impossible to know if the user forgot to add that info. We can assume that the user forgot to add the info when you send the first invoice and then the invoice is not sent using the proper configuration.


The only way to control that, IMHO, is to create a modification that will stop the relevant business logic in case there is no information registered in the “Message Defaults” tab.


Thank you much.
Best regards.


@ronhu what I have in mind is the following:

  • train your users that all the supplier tabs must be done in sequence. After they did the Invoice tab (including message defaults), they must go to Payment tab.
  • Create an event + event action action on insert in payment tab that checks if there’s data in the Invoice / Message defaults tab for the same company that the user tries to create data for in the Payment tab

I think this could solve your scenario. 
