
How to know environment on Quick Report

  • 16 March 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi everyone,


I have created a few quick reports, that we then send through application server tasks and background jobs on a regular basis.
When our department leader decides to ask an IFS partner to copy from PROD environment to TEST environment and we are not informed, we receive these quick reports in double, from PROD and TEST, however the problem is we don’t know which one is from PROD and which one is from TEST.

Is there any possibility to put the environment on the email subject to differentiate the quick reports?


Thanks in advance,

Carlos Mendes 


Best answer by carlosfmendes 5 September 2023, 16:53

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1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

To solve this issue, I simply added to the quick report queries the following code, so if it is not PROD, it simply gives 0 lines back.

AND UPPER((SELECT Sys_Context('UserEnv', 'Db_Name') AS Instance FROM Dual)) LIKE '%PROD%'
