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I’m new and still learning IFS. I want to see a user view.

Is it possible to impersonate a user? if yes how?




You can impersonate a user and reset with the following:




The obvious: be careful with functions like these.

Hi @Jur

Where can I run this?




Hi @Jur

Where can I run this?



Hi @Narsi,

This could be used in code, using Toad or SQL Developer. Are you asking whether this can be done via the IFS user interface? If so, not that I am aware of, not without custom code.

You may also find that you do not have the correct permissions to run impersonation. To add this to an existing permission set, you can navigate to the Systems Privileges tab under a given permission set and check Impersonate User.

If you are looking to do this from Enterprise Explorer, the function to see an individuals view can be done at a Profile, as shown below, but will not replicate the individuals permission sets.


If you are looking to do this from Enterprise Explorer, the function to see an individuals view can be done at a Profile, as shown below, but will not replicate the individuals permission sets.

Of course! I knew I was forgetting something.


I have FND_ADMIN permission set

Also, have access to impersonate a user 

But I cann’t see “Set as active in current session” option


If the purpose is that you want to see the contents of the view the easiest way is to logon as that user directly. Impersonate user is not the easiest way to get it.

In IFS Applications all STD views are owned by the application owner. That user is in most installations called IFSAPP. (We also have a user called IFSINFO which owns the IAL-views but that’s maybe not the thing you are looking for.)

Another way is to give your user access (grant) to the Oracle data dictionary views which has the information about the view.

Can be done by: “GRANT SELECT ANY DICTIONARY TO <YourUser>;” logged on as SYS or SYSTEM. This gives your user rights to all dictionary views and your DBA might have an opinion against it. If not allowed you can try to get rights to specific data dictionary views like “DBA_VIEWS”, etc. that your tool needs.

