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Is there a way to grant database objects to permission sets in IFS Cloud-versions?
Or is there a way to find out the Projection granting a specific DB-object?

For example we get an error message saying:

‘Must have the right to execute method oMPCCOM_ACCOUNTING_API.TRANSFER_TO_FINANCE] to be able to create a new batch schedule.’

The correct Projection to get rid of the error may be ‘TransferInventoryTransactions’…

Hi @Tom Penttinen 

grant database objects (like IEE) in Aurena isn’t possible.

Maybe you can check the screen “Projection Grans” in Aurena to find out something like this.

Hi @Tom Penttinen 


Please check the following link in IFS Technical Documentation.


May be you find some useful info. 


Thank You,

Best Regards,
Sangeetha Jayamaha.


Hi @Sangeetha Jayamaha,

Thank you for the answer. Unfortunately the documentation you refer to does not cover how to grant database-objects or how to find the projection ultimately granting a specific DB-object.



Also experienced this issue. How do you identify the relevant permission set that provides the grant to database objects?
