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How to get list of lobby assigned to user as default in IFS App10


I am looking for the list of lobbies assigned to users as their individual default lobby. I know it’s related with their own profile but couldn’t able to link in backend due to figure out the correct data source (view / table). 


If anyone can help me about how to get the user wise default lobby list would be a great help for me. 


Thank you

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +14

@mislam   I think what you’re asking for is if the user has a homepage that is a Lobby, you want to know which Lobby that is.  

This should get you there in Apps10:

select u.identity
,    u.enabled
,    p.profile_name
,    v.profile_value
,    instr(profile_value,'=')
,    substr(profile_value,instr(profile_value,'=')+1)
,    composite_page_repository_api.get_lobby_title__(substr(profile_value,instr(profile_value,'=')+1)) lobby_title
from fndrr_user_client_profile u
join fndrr_client_profile p
on u.profile_id = p.profile_id
join fndrr_client_profile_value v
on u.profile_id = v.profile_id
where profile_section = 'User/Windows/Application/Options/HomePage'



Badge +1

Hi @Tracy Norwillo 

Thank you for your reply, The requirement is exactly as you said in your reply. I am getting error at the time of running the script. It’s because of the API parameter. Otherwise, it’s exactly I was looking for. 


Userlevel 4
Badge +14

@mislam  Without knowing what error you encountered…


Here are two other ways to get the Lobby title given the ID:

 ,      EXTRACTVALUE(XMLTYPE(cp.value), 'Page/PageTitle') AS page_title
 FROM composite_page cp
 SELECT po_id
 ,     REPLACE(po_id,'lobbyPage',NULL)
 ,     description
 FROM pres_object 
 WHERE pres_object_type = 'Lobby Item' 
 AND po_id like 'lobbyPage%'
