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Hello, everyone!

Is anyone familiar with using a scanned barcode value as an input to an Aurena page field?

Is it feasible for the barcode scanner to take the order number as a field input and display the accompanying image in an Aurena image viewer?


If you’re on a desktop workstation, the simplest solution might be a keyboard wedge. Physically, it’s just a USB barcode scanner. Electronically, it’s a USB device that looks like a keyboard to the operating system, sending the scanned barcode as keystrokes. It doesn’t care what kind of application it’s using, making setup very simple.


There are usually control codes you can program into it to configure its nonvolatile RAM. You probably wouldn’t want to send enter after the barcode, for example.

I confirmed that you can bring up a field in Aurena (such as a Filter field on a maintenance screen), scan a barcode, and the content will “type” into the field. I am using a cheap Nadamoo wireless-USB-linked barcode scanner that can be configured with control codes, as @durette mentions.

Cheap scanners can be had for $20-$40 while brand-name scanners (e.g. Honeywell) run in the $75-$200 depending on features and ruggedness. There is also a wide variety of corded and wireless models.


Joe Kaufman

Thank you so much durette & sutekh137!