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In Use Place (e.g. CFG) we can see which deliveries have been done from Build Place, but that data only mentions delivery codes without any information on the content. And even in Build place it is not easy to find delivery content (you would need to have access to the GIT repository). So, how can I find in CFG which functionality has actually been delivered?

you can use the build place logs tab to see the delivery content and logs

Hi Wasana, would you have an example of such a log?

go to build place/logs and you can download the delivery for each installation. 



Hi @Drausenhaus 

You can view the delivery content in the "Build Place Delivery Report," which is located under the Deliveries tab in the Build Place.


Hope this will help 🙂.


Best regards,


Hi Ravi & Wasana, that’s all very nice, but does this mean that I can’t see the content of the deliveries in Use Place? I am a Business Solution Architect and normally not even allowed in Build Place 😁.
