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In IFS Cloud 23R1 workflow, I’m trying to access a nested variable but nothing tried so far can get at it. As an example, below is the payload from CustomerOrderHandling.svc/CalculateAndFetchSalesLineTotalWithHeaderParams (called during creation of a customer order line):

If I want to check the value of BaseSaleUnitPrice in a gateway I’d expect to be able to reference it as ValidationRec.BaseSaleUnitPrice in an expression. However it’s not working and when inspecting the debug, the contents of ValidationRec are not even shown:

Any suggestions?



@ibalfe could you share your workflow diagram and setting where you do the READ? Probably you have to use the nested entity feature but hard to tell without a nice workflow image ;-)


@ibalfe, unfortunately with the current information it's unclear what the payload structure is like. 

Normally with an array you can use something like ValidationRecc0].ValidationRec.etc.

In this case the variable might be refering to a record in a different projection with the “com.ifsworld …...”. 

Could you post the entire payload or reponse JSON here?
