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After creating a custom attribute for an entity, it is required to enable History Log for that. For that following steps were followed.


Test Plan:

  1. Create a “Custom Attribute” in the "PurchaseOrder" entity and publish it.
  2. Open the "History Log Configuration" page and search for Lu Name "=PurchaseOrder".
  3. Observe that only one entry is shown with Table Name "PURCHASE_ORDER_TAB".



Expects another entry - "PURCHASE_ORDER_CFT", so can enable logging on custom attribute. This used to work in IFSAPP10. See following attachment.



But in IFS Cloud, it doesn’t seem like above. See following attachment.




@Piumi Rubasinghe can you assist on this question if possible?

Custom fields/tables are not supported unfortunately. I hope it gets added in 23R1.

Custom fields/tables are not supported unfortunately. I hope it gets added in 23R1.

Thanks for your support.


Yes, another deficiency in Cloud that we’ve had as an open case for months without resolution.  We have processes built around being able to use and view the history for custom fields.

Yes, another deficiency in Cloud that we’ve had as an open case for months without resolution.  We have processes built around being able to use and view the history for custom fields.

Could you please explain what the processes are built around being able to use and view the history for custom fields if possible? 

Our customer order view in V9 is heavily modified with a couple dozen custom fields that are used for many business process throughout the life of the customer order.  In many instances, those fields are changed or updated by the wrong user or to a wrong value.  Without being able to trace who changed them and when, we can’t actually manage customer orders in Cloud in the way we do today in V9.  That is just the most common example, there are others.

Unrelated to this particular short-coming, but another Cloud problem we’ve discovered just a month ago, in version 9, we have a custom tab on the customer order with many commercial related custom fields that can be used to manage the logistics and delivery of the customer order as well as customer acceptance after the order has been updated to Invoiced/Closed.  Because the fields are custom, they are updateable even after invoice, in Cloud, this isn’t possible as the projection limits any edits to those custom fields.

These two things in fact are blockers from being able to use Cloud to run our business (among many actually).  We are still looking for solutions for them, but it is becoming more and more clear that going live on 22R2 or earlier is not possible due to the immaturity of the product.  We see a lot of ‘maybe with 23R1’, but it is very poor marketing of a product that 2 years after its release, it is still not complete enough to allow upgrade customers to move across with the equivalent process and functionality.

@ashen_malaka_ranasinghe ,


Any update on this item ?

Any update? We would like this function to work for our customer, I assumed it was working since it was working in IFS10 but it is not in IFS Cloud… 

I am wondering the same thing, is this included in any roadmap?
We are on 23R1, I noticed that custom tables are there in the history log but not custom fields in existing tables.

Any updates on this? We just switched to IFS Cloud and would like to be able to enable history logging for a few custom fields.
