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Is there a way to copy the orginating customer order number to a field on the purchase order? I want a way to link the supplier PO to our customer order number. Is there a normal way to this or does it need to be custom fields?

Hi @arebbeadle,

I think intersite flow going to help you. I am not an expert on it. And our company is not using intersite. So, you can check the link below.


@arebbeadle is this related to intercompany orders?

Normally each PO line should have the information of the source in OrderRef columns. There’s not a 1-1 relationship between CO - PO. You could have lines from multiple COs added in the same PO. This relationship is visible at PO line level.


If in your case it’s always 1:1 relationship between CO and PO and you don’t want a custom field, maybe you could repurpose the Supplier Order No field?

