How do i know witch IAL is being used by a lobby element?
Hello, all!
Is there a way to know witch IAL is being used by a lobby element, on a list, for example?
Is there any view that can list the name of the lobby element and its view?
Currently i’m on a job sanitizing IALs and knowing witch lobby element is using an specific IAL would be very helpful.
I’ll have to switch up the data source of the lobby elements once i get done the sanitize.
Thank you!
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It’s hidden away in the PRES_OBJECT and PRES_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY views.
You can filter PRES_OBJECT by object type to get the lobby elements and then use PRES_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY to get the related lobby data source.
Then it gets messy as the view with the data source definition COMPOSITE_PAGE_DATA_SOURCE holds the information you want in CLOBs as XML
Something like this might work…
select xt.*
from PRES_OBJECT po inner join COMPOSITE_PAGE_DATA_SOURCE cds on = substr(po.po_id, 16), XMLTable('for $i in $XML/SQLDataSource return element result { for $j in $i/Select/DataColumn for $k at $pos in $j/Column return element row { $i/Name, $i/ID, $i/View, $i/Where, $j/Column$$pos]