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Hi All,


  How can create custom menu in Aurena.

   If i want cheche clear., how can do that in Aurena.

 Kindly let me know.




Hi @Adarsh,

Please refer to Configuration Upgrade Path going from IEE to Aurena > Custom Menu.

You could try running following command in the browser to clear cache (include relevant server / port / client): 




Thanks for quick reponse.

  Please let me know https://<server>:<port>/main/ifsapplications/web/server/clearmetadatacache?VALUE=<client_model>


what will be VALUE=<client_model>?


Hi @Adarsh ,

We are using commands instead of RMBs in Aurena. You can create a command using Aurena Page designer. There are few types of commands. 

What do you expect to do using the Custom Menu?


Best Regards,

Nadeesha Liyanage.


could you possible to let me know that some steps to create custom menu in aurena.



could you possible to let me know that some steps to create custom menu in aurena.


HI @Adarsh ,

All the steps are explained in below documentation link.



Kind Regards.