

Userlevel 1
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Can someone please help me troubleshoot the following error (See below).  The error appears immediately after I select a Customer on a Customer Order.  The problem is also not isolated to a specific customer …. it is happening on all Customers, and happens before I click the save button.  Has anyone come across this issue or can point me in the right direction as to the issue?


5 replies

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@Paresh Did you ever resolve this or know what could of caused it?

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

@Paresh @kgray I believe this has to do with the fact that the page configs haven’t been rebased after applying a Release Update.

Normally, a new release would bring new functions / or remove some functions from Pages. If you have a page configuration on that Page then your page config will need to be rebased in order to ‘know’ about added/removed functions from the page.

Have a look at below URL to learn more about rebasing Client Configurations:

Rebase Client Configurations - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud

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Brilliant, I think this is the issue with what I am looking at. 

Thanks @Marcel.Ausan 

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

@kgray I’m glad my reply was helpful. Please mark this post as solved so that it doesn’t appear as open 😁.

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Hi @Marcel.Ausan, original post was made by @Paresh 
Paresh if you got it resolved using Marcel’s steps would you mark it as solved. 


