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Hello there, within external file template what can be done in such a way that the respective records are generated line by line, for example



This gives me  an output of repetitive records like - 



But I need the records to be printed as ST,BPR,ST,BPR,ST,BPR...

Hi @Bhanu Prakash 

do you want import or export a file?

Can you provide a screenshot of the general tab of your template?

Hello there, I am trying to export a file and the picture of the general tab of my template - 


Hi @Bhanu Prakash 

your Separator ID is a * (Star).

Therefore you have something like this ST*820 etc.

Replace this with a , (comma) and try it again.

When the Separator ID is set as a comma the output is -

We are using parameters at the end window of exporting the file which are - 


The output needs to be in an ordered way which is 







But when a parameter is entered an extra record is being created as well, any help would be appreciated.

Hi @Bhanu Prakash 

so you need only to export the first column , right?

On the first screenshot (external file tempalte) go there to the tab “Detail” and remove all columns you don’t need. Make a copy of your template at first then do it. 
