
Extend Aurena page with custom LU

  • 14 April 2021
  • 2 replies

Badge +3

Hi Community,


I’m trying to extend the Travel Expenses TravelExpensesEmployeeHandling projection by adding a new custom LU.


My custom LU is a simple one which includes keys of the Expense header and a persistent field.



I extended the standard projection and added the association with key mappings


Problem 1:

I want to add these fields to My Expense Sheet Details page.

I Created a new list, and try to add to MyExpenseDetailPage


 Following error appears

An internal server error occurred. Contact administrator.

Url: https://xxxxxx:60080/main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/TravelExpensesEmployeeHandling.svc/MyExpenses?$filter=(CompanyId%20eq%20%27TESTCO%27%20and%20ExpenseId%20eq%20204)&$select=Cf_Company_Id,Cf_Expense_Id,Cf_Cp_Cost_Center,Objgrants,luname,keyref&$skip=0&$top=25

Date = 2021-04-14T21:09:09.099Z
Client version =


Is this a bug?


Problem No 2:

I want to add the same custom fields to assistant My New Expense Sheet (assistant/TravelExpensesEmployee/MyReportExpense)


Is this possible?

I added a new Group element with the custom LU and then the fields appear in the assistant page, but nothing is saved to the CLT table when expense sheet is created





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2 replies

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Hi Community, can someone please answer this?




Badge +3

Hi @ashdlk ,

I saw you’ve answered a question on adding custom fields on Aurena assistant (Aurena - Page config - Assistants | IFS Community)

Can you answer the Problem 2 I mentioned above. I extended the projection by adding a custom LU and page designer allows to add the custom fields to the Assistant, But the values entered in the custom LU are never saved. 


