I need to do a select statement that calls a number of API’s that are not available under the schema that I am logged in under. Basically I have a select that selects from tables and views that I have access to under the login I am using (IFSINFO). But there are some lines that call API’s that are only available under a different login (IFSAPP).
If I comment out the lines that call these API’s the select works fine. But if I leave one of them uncommented the select brings back nothing. I have tried logging in as IFSAPP and granting Execute on user IFSINFO to those packages but when I log back in as IFSINFO the select comes back with no rows. It doesn’t give an insufficient privilege error.
I am thinking that the API selects from tables/views that IFSINFO does not have the select rights on. Is there a way that execute can be granted to IFSINFO on an API (and at the same time grant privileges' on whatever views or tables that are referenced in that API)?