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Let me start by saying I have plenty of email event actions that send out correctly, so I do not think this is any sort of MAIL_SENDER issue.

I am trying to setup an event action to trigger from the (Notification_Events_Util_API.Start_Notify_Next_Auth) function.  The background job posts and executes with no errors.  But my email event action does not hit the application messages and notification queue.  So, I get no email. 

Strange thing is, I have this working in one environment…..but getting this working in a new environment is giving me trouble.

The Event is already setup, the Event Action is setup and enabled.  I have a schedule tasks to run this event at a given interval….same as the working environment.

What piece am I missing?

Thanks for any help…


If you are creating a new event action to a standard event, to new event action to get executed you have to disable the standard event action.

If it is a new environment. Can the basic data be different?

For example, does your authorizers have the checkbox “Notify User“ checked?  They must have that checked to get the e-mail created.


Second, is your company setup for consecutive authorization? It must be to get the e-mail created.



If it is a new environment. Can the basic data be different?

For example, does your authorizers have the checkbox “Notify User“ checked?  They must have that checked to get the e-mail created.


Second, is your company setup for consecutive authorization? It must be to get the e-mail created.



I thought that meant that you got a separate notification, so in this case you need to add an action and check Notify User?

If you are creating a new event action to a standard event, to new event action to get executed you have to disable the standard event action.

Really? We have added new event actions to existing events. Can it perhaps only be one per type?

If it is a new environment. Can the basic data be different?

For example, does your authorizers have the checkbox “Notify User“ checked?  They must have that checked to get the e-mail created.


Second, is your company setup for consecutive authorization? It must be to get the e-mail created.



I thought that meant that you got a separate notification, so in this case you need to add an action and check Notify User?

Yes, the code inside Notification_Events_Util_API.Start_Notify_Next_Auth has a condition to only fetch invoices/posting proposals for authorizers with that checkbox checked.

If you are creating a new event action to a standard event, to new event action to get executed you have to disable the standard event action.

Really? We have added new event actions to existing events. Can it perhaps only be one per type?

Yes. Once I tried and I had to disable the core one. But please check when you try with workarounds I did it sometimes back. So may be I’m wrong.

If you are creating a new event action to a standard event, to new event action to get executed you have to disable the standard event action.

Really? We have added new event actions to existing events. Can it perhaps only be one per type?

Yes. Once I tried and I had to disable the core one. But please check when you try with workarounds I did it sometimes back. So may be I’m wrong.

ok, thanks.

If it is a new environment. Can the basic data be different?

For example, does your authorizers have the checkbox “Notify User“ checked?  They must have that checked to get the e-mail created.


Second, is your company setup for consecutive authorization? It must be to get the e-mail created.



Thanks for your reply….I did find out that your second part does look different in my environment that is not working compared to the working environment.  However, it does not seem to allow me to change the Authorization Routing choice.  Any ideas?


If you are creating a new event action to a standard event, to new event action to get executed you have to disable the standard event action.

I appreciate your response.  I am not sure what a ‘standard’ event is, but I have plenty of events that have multiple event actions all enabled and they all work.  The event I am working with is an ‘Application Defined’ event and not a ‘Custom Defined’.  

Still trying to get this to work, I think another reply might be on the right track with some of the base setup for the company.  Just trying to see how to change those options as it won’t let me choose the options from the drop down.


Is it so that you do not have any values at all in that tab?

Than you have to create a new record in the tab by placing cursor in a field in the tab and press + and save.


Or do you see a value but are not allowed to change it? That could be security rights since it seems to be no other limitations, at least in the database.

Is it so that you do not have any values at all in that tab?

Than you have to create a new record in the tab by placing cursor in a field in the tab and press + and save.


Or do you see a value but are not allowed to change it? That could be security rights since it seems to be no other limitations, at least in the database.

Oops, I guess I just earned the idiot badge.  I didn’t even see that it had the ability to add a new record.  It didn’t look like the screen to have records to it.  Thanks!  I will explore this option and do some testing.

