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Error when configuring PL/SQL Access Provider.

  • 17 July 2024
  • 2 replies

We have cloned the DEV environment from the PRD database and recreated the IFS Middleware for the DEV environment. During the installation, we encountered the following error:

F:\IFS\IFSMws\IFSD\repository\server\install_fndbas.xml:309: Error when configuring PL/SQL Access Provider.
Importing report images, signatures, and logos to the database.

Although we can log into the application, we are seeing the following error in the Application Monitoring Console:


Ifs.Fnd.FndSystemException: Unexpected error while calling server method MonitorEntry/QueryFndMonitorEntry ---> Ifs.Fnd.FndServerFaultException: Unable to fetch result from database. Error is: ORA-20110: FndMonitorEntry.EXECUTEERROR: An error occured while executing the statement SELECT Plsqlap_Server_API.Ping_Result__ FROM sys.dual!
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.ERROR_SYS", line 140
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.ERROR_SYS", line 356
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.FND_MONITOR_ENTRY_API", line 2135
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.FND_MONITOR_ENTRY_API", line 2139
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.FND_MONITOR_ENTRY_API", line 1582
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.FND_MONITOR_ENTRY_API", line 1596
ORA-06512: at line 1

ORA-20110: FndMonitorEntry.EXECUTEERROR: An error occured while executing the statement SELECT Plsqlap_Server_API.Ping_Result__ FROM sys.dual!
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.ERROR_SYS", line 140
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.ERROR_SYS", line 356
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.FND_MONITOR_ENTRY_API", line 2135
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.FND_MONITOR_ENTRY_API", line 2139
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.FND_MONITOR_ENTRY_API", line 1582
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.FND_MONITOR_ENTRY_API", line 1596
ORA-06512: at line 1

   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.ParseErrorHeader(FndBuffer buffer, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions)
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.UnMarshalResponseHeader(Stream responseStream, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions)
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.HandleHttpSuccessResult(HttpWebResponse result, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions, String operation, FndBodyType responseBodyType, Object responseBody)
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.InvokeInternal(Object requestBody, Object responseBody, String intface, String operation, FndRequestContext requestContext, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions, Boolean forcedSync, Boolean integrationGateway)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.Activity.FndActivityDataAdapter.Fill(FndDataRow condition, FndQueryOptions queryOptions, Int32 initialQueryChunkSize, FndQueryChunkNotifyDelegate queryChunkNotify, Object tag)
   at Ifs.Fnd.Feature.FndDataFeatureBase.DoSearch(FndDataRow row, FndQueryOptions options)
   at Ifs.Fnd.Feature.FndDocumentCollectionFeatureBase.DoSearch(FndDataRow row, FndQueryOptions options)
   at Ifs.Fnd.Feature.FndDocumentCollectionFeatureBase.FeaturePopulate()
   at Ifs.Application.ApplicationMonitoring.MonitorJobs.FeaturePopulate()
   at Ifs.Fnd.FeatureContainer.FndFeatureContainer.NavigateToFeature(FndUrlAddress newUrlAddress, Boolean forceRepopulate, Boolean loadCommands, Boolean refresh)
   at Ifs.Fnd.FeatureContainer.FndFeatureContainer.NavigateInternal(FndUrlAddress url, FndNavigatorEntry navigatorEntry, Boolean forceRepopulate, NavigationDirection navigationDirection, Int32 historyIndex, Boolean resolveNode



Could someone please provide a resolution to this issue? We appreciate your support on this matter.

Thank you.

Hi @maheshmuz I suggest you following the below investigation steps:

  1. Just log in to the PLSQL and go inside the erroneous package Plsqlap_Server_Api
  2. Check the lines on the error against the package
  3. It seems during your clone ‘fndcn_config_param_tab’ table was missing/not imported successfully to the target database (DEV)
  4. Check if this table exists in the database, IF NOT restore the table from a backup
  5. Compile the erroneous package Plsqlap_Server_Api and see 
  6. If good then execute a reconfiguration and test

Hi @RanukaSerasinghe Thank you for your response. I appreciate your support on this matter.
