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When Printing instant Invoice we get bellow Error


@hrdilshan you would need to go to Report Manager, search for that Print Key and then see what the specific error message is for that report. Then maybe we could help you further.


Hi @Marcel.Ausan ,


Error Occured while rendering the (plugin) report. Error: GENREPORTIO:Could not generate report: 'TRANS_SAX_ERROR:Failed transforming report data: 'TRANS_ERROR:Failed transforming report data : 'java.lang.NumberFormatException: Character N is neither a decimal digit number, decimal point, nor "e" notation exponential mark.'''
ifs.fnd.base.SystemException: GENREPORTIO:Could not generate report: 'TRANS_SAX_ERROR:Failed transforming report data: 'TRANS_ERROR:Failed transforming report data : 'java.lang.NumberFormatException: Character N is neither a decimal digit number, decimal point, nor "e" notation exponential mark.'''

@hrdilshan I believe the culprit might be some Custom Attribute that can’t be converted as number. Please check all your custom attributes on InstantInvoice & InstantInvoiceItem LU. You could try to publish them via Page Designer to see what values they are getting for this specific invoice.

Hi @Marcel.Ausan i will check on this and come back

Hi @Marcel.Ausan i will check on this and come back

Is there any resolution for this? We encountered the same error when printing one specific Instant Invoice, all other have processed fine.
