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I try to restore a DB-Dump in our IFSDEV enviroment. We have IFS Apps 10, Update 10. We did it in the past without any problem.
Now we get following Error after the command

impdp directory=TRANSFER dumpfile=CS0228700_DB_%U.dmp logfile=imp_20240618.log table_exists_action=REPLACE parallel=4


UDI-65162: operation generated ORACLE error 65162
ORA-65162: The password of the common user has expired


I could login with sqlplus with the user ‘system as sysdba’ without any problem.


Best Regards,


Yeah - i vaguely remember seeing similar stuff some years back. And what i’m to write will sound strange as well…as i don’t fully remember :)

First i think there is a strange caching of login credentials in sqlplus(!) 
Second - oracle introduced a new default expiry time on the sysdba accounts that i think came in a patch bundle.

Try updating the sys and system passwords even if you can use the expired pwd’s in sqlplus...

I cloud solve the problem.

I login with the user “system” without “as sysdba” in the sqlplus. Then it ask me for the new password. It was possible to use the same old password.

Best Regards
