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In IFS V9 UPD10, since we have activated the SSL, sometimes we have error message :

Ifs.Fnd.FndSystemException: Unexpected error while calling server method AccessPlsql/Invoke ---> Ifs.Fnd.FndSystemException: Error occurred while calling https://ifsaddress/fndext/clientgateway/AccessPlsql/Invoke?frmProjectInfoNew. Please contact your system administrator.

Error 502 - Bad Gateway

After click on Close in the message of error window, IFS seems ok, we can still to work, but it's not 

It’s same case when a quick report (with Crystal Report)  is too long to display

the message is : 

Error 504 - Gateway Time-out


Someone could help me to solved this problem ?

Thanks in advance

Hi @olivier.clemann,
Could you kindly check if this helps :
If its the same you could further question back there as well.
Best Regards,

Hello Yasas, thank you for your answer.

It’s seem the same error message but for all screen in my case. I don’t see which parameter I have to changeor check. Do you have an idea ?

Thank in advance

