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Could someone advise what my expectations should be as to under what circumstances I can simply click into a field and can edit it vs having to click the ‘pencil’/edit icon first before being able to edit, please?

EG Receive Inventory Part - click in field and can edit


Customer Order Lines - have to click ‘pencil’/edit to change quantity


It would be useful to have an explanation to pass on to users.




No it is very unclear, if you need to push edit or not in different places, eg in supplier payment address information, used for supplier payment, you can simply take away or change BIC number without editing or changing. 

Extremely dangerous,  It must be a bug. 

It look like it depends on developer for specific window  how the system is working. But in general, all in finance and basic data are in principle open for changes without any control. 

Could someone advise what my expectations should be as to under what circumstances I can simply click into a field and can edit it vs having to click the ‘pencil’/edit icon first before being able to edit, please?

EG Receive Inventory Part - click in field and can edit


Customer Order Lines - have to click ‘pencil’/edit to change quantity


It would be useful to have an explanation to pass on to users.




You should never have to click a ‘pencil’’ icon in oder to edit a field on a record maintenance screen.  This pretty much violates every tenet of good UI design I was taught in college.  You should be able to just click on a field to edit it, and once changed, ‘save/cancel’ buttons should appear where ‘Cancel’ reverts your changes to the original values loaded from the record.  This is expected functionality, and there is no reason you should not expect it.

Perhaps, one day…. 

