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Disable new in custom pages

  • 26 July 2020
  • 4 replies

Can we disable the new button/avoiding create new records in a custom Page?

Hi djay

You can Grant Query only permissions to users through the RMB - Manage Grants on that Custom Page.  Does that fulfil your requirement?

If you need to allow users to change records but not add new ones, then you could attach a custom event to the table that runs on insertion of new records only and uses ERROR_SYS.RECORD_GENERAL to show the user an error message when they try to add a new record.



Thanks for the suggestion. Yes. Permission is the only option since there’s no option available in the custom page to do this.


If you’re using IFS Enterprise Explorer, you can revoke the EXAMPLE_CLP.NEW__ database method. (I haven’t tested this in Aurena.)

For Aurena you can control it in the Projection Configuration by specifying which operations are allowed.  

