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 For every customer of ours, we provide a ‘Support Environment’, which consists of a dedicated app server and daily updated Oracle database (copy of Production database) for troubleshooting purposes.

 Until IFS V10, this processes ran automatically and our clients could access IFS without any intervention. With IFS V10, every time we copy our Production database (using datafiles from previous backup and archive logs) to Support database, we need to reconfigure the application so it can be accessible.

 Is there a way to automate this process?

 Thanks in advance!


Hi Elaine,

The Support environment should be accessible post database refresh without reconfiguration as long as the following criteria is met:

  1. Both PROD and SUPPORT are on same Update and Patch level
  2. IFS* System user passwords match

What error message do you get which requires a reconfiguration? Is this SSL certificate related by any chance?

There are a few entries in database tables and system parameters that would need to be updated and verified.

  • System Parameters
    • Crystal Reports web server
    • EOI base URL
    • Print Company Logo
    • Workflow Server
    • Forecast Server (FORECAST_SERVER_SETUP_TAB)
    • etc.
  • Server configurations for SMTP, FTP, etc.
  • Clear out and reset printing. Do you really want stuck print jobs printing out again from a non-production database once you get it copied?

Don't forget about any document management respositories.


