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Data Migration Manager - Connection to parent

Hello everyone,
I would like to perform a data migration on the "CUSTOMER_INFO" & "CUSTOMER_INFO_ADDRESS" views.
For some records, the customer ID is automatically generated, so I'd like to be able to link the "CUSTOMER_ID" field on the 2 views.
So I've set this up: 

But as soon as I deploy my records, I get an error: 

Basically, the generated customer_id is not correctly retrieved in the "CUSTOMER_INFO_ADDRESS" view.

Can you help?
Thank you for your help,

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +13

Hello everyone,
Can anyone help me?
The option seems to be available in 23R2 but it is not documented: 


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

@TheoB First question that raises for me is: why would you want sometimes a new customer number to be generated. This can easily generate problems as the newly inserted information (with the new customer) may not have been committed to the database and hence it can never retrieve the correct value (and thus giving you the error). Are you not able to insert a new number earlier (at legacy level)?
