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Custom Menu - does not accept a transfer of information?

  • 21 July 2020
  • 6 replies


I have been trying to create a Custom Menu that passes the invoice_no from the External Supplier Invoices table (tbwExternalIncInvoiceHead) to the Manual Supplier Invoice Form (frmManualSupplierInvoice). Unfortunately the custom menu does not appear on the list of options as expected. I have followed the procedure and I am not getting any errors during the setup.

I have noticed that the help documentation says “this option ONLY works if the form has been setup in the toolset to accept a transfer of information - be aware not every form is”. 

Is there a way to find out which forms will not allow the use of Custom Menus ?

Perhaps I have been unlucky and I am dealing with one of such forms?

Many thanks


The custom menu you're looking for actually already exists in my demo environment (RACE). I don’t know if one of my colleagues created it or if it’s in the demo environment by default. Anyway, I've exported it and will attach it here. The only reason I can think of why it would not work is if you have changed the Company on the source window (External Supplier Invoices), because the target window (Manual Supplier Invoice) will use your global company again.


Thank you for your reply.

I have imported your custom menu. Did you see the menu available on a RMB in the race database, please let me know which company in the race database.

Unfortunately the RMB>Menu is still not available for me, please see screenshot below.


The custom menu is connected and I have ticked the appropriate box in the Properties windows, screenshots below.

I have reload the configuration and also logout and login again, however the menu still doesn’t show.





Kind regards


Is your source window by any chance an “own process” window? In that case you won’t see the RMB because on the Custom Menu process=NONE


No it is not an “own process”, please see screenshot below.

kind regards




sorry I should have shown the last part of that screenshot


In that case I'm afraid I don't know the answer. Hopefully someone else will be able to help you.
