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IFS Apps 9 release 7


We have created 2 custom LU’s one on the sub project and the other on Supplier Agreement. We have created a custom event to pull data into the Supplier Agreement from the sub project but we also want the documents to move.

I have attempted to set up an object connection transformation to do this but the only field available to link on is the OBJKEY. Is this possible to do? Has anyone already done it?




You should be able to fetch attached documents from doc_reference_object_tab - just need to find your custom LU in there (use lu_name), find specific attachment (using key_value or key_ref which should contain the objkey/rowkey) and then use Doc_Reference_Object_API.Insert_Docs to attatch your document to second LU.


To build the doc_list_ parameter you should be able to use Message_SYS:


Or write it out by yourself:

'!' || chr(10) || '$DOC_CLASS=' || doc_class_ || chr(10) || '$DOC_NO=' || doc_no_ || chr(10) || '$DOC_SHEET=' || doc_sheet_ || chr(10) || '$DOC_REV=' || doc_rev_;

