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dear all,

i want to create new field in ifs10. how can i revised below query for read only select expression,


SELECT ipis.QTY_ONHAND - ipis.QTY_RESERVED eldeki_miktar fROM PURCHASE_ORDER_LINE_ALL pola RIGHT JOIN INVENTORY_PART_IN_STOCK_UIV ipis ON ipis.project_id = pola.:project_id AND ipis.part_no = pola.:part_no and ipis.activity_seq=pola.:ACTIVITY_SEQ and ipis.CONTRACT=pola.:CONTRACT 


ps: Below is the screen where I will make this development.


(assuming you new to create custom fields providing this steps)

You can start from going to the Misc Parts tab window Rmb and go to the custom fields section as below


Then follow the below documentation steps to create the custom field. (In step 3 click read only word which navigates and shows you step by step on how to create read only field)


hope this helps.



