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Currently running on IFS applications 9    In the bottom of the screen there is the Tasks, Attachements Output and Help options.   Under the help Option on the right you can see help for all fields on the screen,  Field by field, Page Help and then an option for Custom Help   if you do a Right Mouse Button in the help you can then select an option Configure Custom Help    at this point you can define where your custom help is stored.    I went in and created a new directory for our data and placed it in the EN directory using the LANGUAGE option.   I defined this by using    Then I created a  directory inside of en/CB in order to keep all of our files separate.     This was working good until we applied then next patch to IFS   at that time we got an error message stating 

C:\ifs\repository\ifsdoc\install.xml:950: Source resource does not exist: C:\ifs\ifsdoc\documentation\CB\


I am trying to find a simple location to store these to make it easier to copy and take them to the next version/release/server     So now I am thinking to create a directory in the ifsdoc directory instead of further down.      Wondering if this will be feasible and not effect the installer from doing patches to the application server. 


Hi Allan ( @alackas ),

I do not know the answer to this but I would recommend you raise a case with IFS. A feature which allows you to add Custom Help is great - if this can be removed by deploying a Delivery from IFS (especially without warning you) then that isn’t great at all.

Good luck,



Hi Allan


Did you get a response on this?  Have not implemented custom help yet, but looking into it and would hate to have the same issue.




